The morning meeting is part of The Responsive Classroom philosophy of how to build a positive classroom culture. A morning meeting usually has four parts, ending with the morning message:
1. Greeting
2. News/sharing
3. Activity
4. Morning Message
There is a morning meeting book that is a great resource that I've used a lot when planning my morning meetings. Click on the picture of the book below to check it out.
Ok, so I just wanted to get that plug in for morning meeting. I will post more about it later with examples of greetings and activities I use. But, I also just wanted to quickly share an example of how I try to integrate whatever content we are learning into our morning message each day. We are in the middle of a unit on the Earth, Moon, and Sun (more to come on that unit). Here is one of my morning messages from last week:
OOPS! I just noticed that this pic has the wrong date in the message. One of my students noticed right away (of course :) and I fixed it but had already taken this picture before school.
We are learning about contractions right now so I put a line under "it is" and "we will" for the kids to fill in the contractions made from those words. Also, I usually try to incorporate whatever chunks/word patterns we are learning about. That day I wanted to review what we learned about how the moon isn't really changing shape but just looks like it so I asked a question that could start a quick review discussion. I make the morning message interactive so that it can serve as a quick review.
Oh, and I also try to change the greeting of the message each day to match something we are working on and help my kids see themselves in many ways. That day they were strong readers. Some other common greetings I use are:
Dear authors,
Dear mathematicians,
Dear second graders,
Dear boys and girls,
Dear kind kids,
Dear curious kids,
(when we are working on questioning)
Dear teachers,
(when we are working on how-to writing)
During our current unit, I have also addressed them like this:
Dear astronauts,
Dear space explorers,
Dear researchers,
Much more to come on morning meeting! I would love to hear how you write morning messages or different greetings you use!
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